A unique co-creation of two strong women on a mission: thought leader Michelle Schenandoah (Oneida/Haudenosaunee) and Nicole Beutler (Netherlands/Germany). Both are women committed to a better world; a world in which the people remember how to live together in peace as humans and with all that is alive on planet earth. On stage two dancers, one from the US, one from Europe and one storyteller, in search of transformation, encouraging learning and healing after 400 years of the Two Row Wampum.
Supported by Nicole Beutler Projects, Syracuse stage, Rematriation, The Treman Center, Dutch Funds for the Arts, Amsterdam Funds for the Arts.
Over the past twenty years, Nicole Beutler has made her mark on the performing arts field with her unique approach combining dance, performance, music theatre and fine art. She creates theatre as mind-blowing Gesamtkunstwerk for the small and big stages. She received numerous nominations and awards including the prestigious VSCD Mime Prize (2009 & 2020/21) from the dutch union of city theatres, the Dioraphte Prize (2014) and the award for groundbreaking music theatre from MusicTheatreNOW (2021). Additionally, Beutler was awarded the honorable Gieskes-Strijbis Podiumprijs for her diverse oeuvre (2018). In all of her works she focusses on the relation of humankind to the planet in times of the climate crisis, in search of alternative perspectives, hope and learning.