In three weeks we created a short dance piece in preparation of the NOW WE ARE EARTH with a group of very talented dancers.
We are in a web of connections, infinite but locally fragile, with and of everything, of all beings, including what we generally class as things, as objects. We hold the space for the complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, for paradoxes and failure. Landscapes shimmer when we gather rhythms shared across varied forms of life. Shimmer describes the coming in and out of focus, creating multispecies knots, with their cascading effects. Landscapes enact more than human rhythms.
By trusting the space and the time of the encounter we will keep searching for the new ways to balance our togetherness - for long, for long, for long.
Oh slow fish / Show me the way / O green weed / Grow me the way / The way you go / The way you grow / Is the way indeed / O bright sun / Light me the way/ The right way / The one / No one can say / If one can choose it / It is wrong / Sing me the way / O song / No one can lose it / For long
(Ursula Leguin)
Idea & Choreography Nicole Beutler
Performance & choreography: Clementine Cloux, Cho Hyewon, Emma Ibáñez Frau, David Schmidt, Marta Maestrelli, Ramon Ferracane, Sara Olivieri, Selina Hauptmann, Sonia Lautenbacher
Dramaturgical support: Igor Dobričić
Music composition & mix: Gary Shepherd
Rehearsal assistant: Pietro Gallo
Rehearsal director: Isaac Spencer
A production with the third year of the Bachelor of Dance of the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt, HfMDK