Our projects are driven by the desire for a better society. All Nicole Beutler’s activities are an invitation to reflect critically on human existence. Apart from making performances, we regularly organise activities that dive deeper into the themes that inform our work, in the form of lectures, summer schools or research presentations.
In the coming years our work will be centered around the theme 'Rituals of Transformation, towards a new humanity'. Together with our audiences and residents of the city, our projects will explore different ways of relating to the climate crisis. How can we deal with the threat, the inevitable change and the loss that will accompany it?
Nicole Beutler Projects works to promote a healthy, flourishing and diverse ecosystem for innovative dance, performance and mime by supporting new makers and initiating activities to strengthen the Amsterdam art community in collaboration with our GREENHOUSE partners.
Nicole is a much sought-after mentor, coach and direction consultant. In collaboration with the academies, we regularly organise masterclasses and workshops for theater and dance students.